Win32 API Windows




  1. The central problems of transplanting Windows applications to Windows CE are put forward, and distinguished Win32 API and Windows CE API in detailed and pointed out the differences between MFC and Windows CE MFC.
  2. This paper discusses the important effect of Win32 Api function in developing Windows application and the importance that the programmer grasp the Win32 Api function.
  3. Solved the problem of how to realize the programming of serial communication by Win32 API using multi thread method and the synchronizing of threads by event in Windows 2000. The method discussed was applied to a serial communication test between two computers.
  4. Since there are so many Win32 Api functions, which are difficult to master, we must grasp the main point of calling Win32 Api function, then we can develop the more practical and efficient and complexing Windows application program.
  5. The Development Application of VB Program in the Win32 API and Windows Message